A man has his pride!

I thought me and Penny had life pretty much sussed out. I had my job at the factory and got pretty regular overtime. Between that and the family allowance we were O.K. The kids were fine - growing up fast but they were good kids and doing pretty well at school. Then this damn virus struck! At first it sounded as if it was something that wouldn't affect us; it was all over in China but before you knew it it had spread across the world and was attacking and killing people in the U.K. You can't see it, smell it or feel it but it is there and it's a killer; an assassin.Life changed overnight! Unless a business was deemed to be essential it was shut down so the factory closed for a start. Then the schools closed and we were told we had to do home schooling. Everyone had to stay in their own homes unless they went out for essential items or an hour's exercise and when you did go out what they called 'social distancing' was in place; we had to keep two metres away from...