Bolt from the blue

I would never have expected to use the words 'cancer' and 'Doris Jones' in the same sentence but here we are. Right from the time I found the lump I was convinced it was benign - totally convinced. My biggest health worry was catching this wretched virus that is sweeping around the world and now I am even more vulnerable it seems.

Predictably my son Jonathan said I needed to move up to Scotland to be near to him and his family but to be honest that is the last thing I need!. This has been my home for so many years I've all but lost count. I have friends here, I have a life here - well there'll be more of that when we know how to beat this virus. But move to Scotland of all places! Never! Between ourselves I have to say that I am not a fan of Jonathan's wife. I love my grandchildren of course and only wish I could see more of them but their mother is not quite my cup of tea. I always feel that she looks down on me. Well O.K. I'm just an ordinary woman, I did what jobs I could when I could in between bringing up Jonathan and I've been working as a cleaner for the last few years, so what? I don't find anything demeaning in cleaning and I actually enjoy it. 

I shall miss the pub more than I miss cleaning for Amelia Chalmers. I used to like it in the pub and I usually had a drink with the old farmers when they came in on market day. I'm afraid Amelia Chalmers thinks she is a cut above the rest of us and that doesn't cut any ice with me I'm afraid. She didn't really need a cleaner as it happens, well not in my view anyway, hers is the sort of house that pretty much takes care of itself but the money was handy. Penny Jackson is doing that now, I suggested it actually and she seems to be quite happy with the arrangement. She is taking on the pub cleaning too; I don't think her husband is too pleased but as the factory isn't reopening they need the money.

I think her going out to work has helped her get over losing the baby. Well of course, you don't get over it but you do learn to live with it and I think if she had been stuck inside her own four walls she would have gone on brooding which isn't healthy. I'm glad I helped her through it, I really am and hopefully, when we see the back of this threat from this virus, things will buck up for her husband. Mind you they do say that unemployment levels are going to soar as lots of businesses haven't survived lockdown and those that have are pruning their staff in an effort to reduce overheads as they try to get back on their feet.

I hope the pub survives, Dave has worked hard in there. It's going to be very strange for a good while though as people have to social distance but I suppose we have got to start living our lives again at some point. I think he was right to have the family down to stay before he rushed into opening; it will have done them all good. Let's face it it's the first time they've been together since his daughter died. It doesn't seem right somehow; she was young and fit yet she succumbed to this damn thing. People say it is like an assassin and I reckon that's about right. It was nice to see Carol again and I'm pleased she is staying on for a bit. You wouldn't have thought she is his ex wife and I still think they will end up making a go of it. I hope so anyway.

Someone told me G.G. has taken on that Danny Black up at the garage. I'm sure G.G. knows what he is doing and maybe the lad just deserves a chance. He didn't have much of a childhood what with his father taking off and leaving him with his mother. Hit her hard it did and she hit the bottle so Danny was left to his own devices most of the time when he wasn't looking after her. Well G.G. is nobody's fool so if the lad knows what's good for him he'll grab his chance and make the most of it.

Well time to get ready for my walk with Emily. She has been a good friend to me taking me to hospital and so on. I obviously knew her before all this virus malarky; we were in the book group and other things together like the W.I. but since we started walking together we have really got to know each other. Oh yes I am going to keep walking with her, I am going to do as much as I can for as long as I can. I know it will be tough at times but I will get there.

If you don't know what is behind this village blog it might pay you to take a look on Amazon; some woman called Rosy Teale wrote and published four books about our village in lockdown. Take a look - you'd be surprised what you might find!


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